ROVE: In-car Experience Design for Spontaneity
Harvard MDE, 2018-2019
Team member: Elisa Ngan, Jacob Schonberger, Yash Bhutada
#UserExperience #Spontaneity #SpatialDesign #Sketch #ProjectionInstallation #PhysicalPrototype
Tools: Adobe After Effect, Photoshop, Processing, MadMapper
The combination of city life and autonomous vehicles allows people to instantly call rides, efficiently interact with each other, and immediately receive anything they desire. These immediate gratifications and lack of challenges and lessons learned allow for a loss of desire and motivation in the short-term. These triggers are the breeding ground for a future troubled with an increase in social isolation and depression, and over time a lack of empathy for others.
A spontaneity-inducing experience that re-inspires a desire to step out of frictionless motions of life. Our goal is to bring desire and spontaneity back into the fabric of everyday life, to decrease problematic social isolation and increase the level of empathy. Wop drives the desire for spontaneity in everyday life, decreasing feelings of apathy and improving empathy.